Jump Podcast
The Jump Podcast features Dev Patnaik in dialogue with Michelle Loret de Mola. This is a conversation for future-focused leaders thinking about strategy, culture, and leadership. The world is crazy. Everything seems to be changing, and not always in a good way. Today, business leaders are struggling to figure out how to avoid becoming the next Kodak, Blackberry or Blockbuster. But fear not, dear listener, things can get better. People can do better. And the world can be better.

Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Thursday Apr 04, 2024
Unilever’s decision to spin off Ben & Jerry’s along with its ice cream business has fed the misconception of “Go woke and go broke.” The real lesson to take away from the split is the opposite—that purpose pays—and it’s more important than ever to be future-focused to grow.
You can read more about this in Dev’s article on Jumpassociates.com: https://www.jumpassociates.com/the-real-lesson-from-ben-jerrys-spoiler-its-not-go-woke-and-go-broke/
#purposedrivencompany #unilever #benandjerrys #wokecapitalism #nelsonpeltz
1:07 Unilever's Spins Off Ice Cream Business
15:14 Purpose-Driven Companies
28:00 The Pitfalls of Performative Activism
31:11 Headlines of the Future
Headlines of the Future
3D-printing robots are being used to build a 100-home housing development in Texas. https://www.freethink.com/cities/3d-printing-homes-69023
Cancer is afflicting more young people around the world, to the bewilderment of doctors. https://www.wsj.com/health/healthcare/cancer-young-people-doctors-baffled-49c766ed
A first-of-its-kind trial found that a weight-loss drug could also help people overcome their opioid cravings. https://www.freethink.com/health/opioid-cravings
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The Jump Podcast
The Jump Podcast features Dev Patnaik in dialogue with Michelle Loret de Mola. This is the conversation for future-focused leaders thinking about strategy, culture and leadership. The world is crazy. Everything seems to be changing, and not always in a good way. Today, business leaders are struggling to figure out avoid becoming the next Kodak, Blackberry or Blockbuster. But fear not, dear listener. Things can get better. People can do better. And the world can be better.
Jump Associates
Jump is the world’s leading independent strategy and innovation firm. We work with the world’s most admired companies on their most important growth challenges. Using a future focused approach to strategy, we’ve helped these firms to grow their businesses in times of change.

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Most leaders get that the world is changing. There may even be an opportunity to drive big growth. They know they need to focus on the future. The bad news is that most leaders won’t do that. Regardless of the reality, the vast majority of leaders will continue to manage for today. And that’s too bad because this failure to focus on the future is the single biggest reason most companies fall into mediocrity or fail over the long term. So what’s getting in the way? The problem, it turns out, is all in our heads. It’s neurological. And to be more future-focused, we have to rewire our brains. Let’s get into the why and the how.
You can read more about this from Dev’s article on Jumpassociates.com
#futurefocused #strategy #growthstrategy #changemanagement #companyculture #leadership
04:04 Different Mindsets and Why It’s So Hard to Be Future-Focused
09:24 The Need for Future-Focused Thinking
15:03 How to Rewire Your Brain to Be More Future-Focused
28:00 Headlines of the Future
Headlines of the Future
Scientists are injecting chemicals into the sky and ocean in an effort to cool the planet. https://www.wsj.com/science/environment/geoengineering-projects-cool-planet-weather-f0619bf7
AI voice generators are bringing back the voices of children killed in school shootings.
Studies show that lacking money makes people focus on the present—but lacking water makes them plan for the future. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/water-scarcity-changes-how-people-think/#:~:text=As%20a%20species%20that%20is,humankind's%20response%20to%20climate%20change
Jump Associates
Jump is the world’s leading independent strategy and innovation firm. We work with the world’s most admired companies on their most important growth challenges. Using a future focused approach to strategy, we’ve helped these firms to grow their businesses in times of change.